Association "Union kormovyrobnykiv Ukraine"
Association of "Union ptytsevodov Ukraine» javljaetsja dobrovolnыm obъedynenyem otechestvennыh enterprises, industry and producer of ptytsevodcheskoy ymeet status neprybыlnoy organization.
Activities aimed at the Association of Collaboration with authorities power to obschehosudarstvennom Gosudarstvennoye level. In particular, Specialists of association prynymayut aktyvnoe part in the development and prodvyzhenyy hosudarstvennыh industry development programs, development hosudarstvennыh standartov, tehnycheskyh rehlamentov in the field of animal husbandry and ptytsevodstva, analysis and the preparation of projects and podzakonnыh zakonodatelnыh acts.Link