About the journal «Grain Products and Mixed Fodder’s»
Professional journal for professionals grain processing industry.
The scientific-production edition "Grain Products and Mixed Fodder’s" is included in category "Б" of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences can be published (according to the Procedure of forming the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine dated January 15, 2018 No. 32) according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 15, 2019 No. 1301 "On approval of the decisions of the Ministry's Attestation Board on the activity of specialized scientific councils of April 23, 2019" tsialnostyamy 181. Journal is registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on (the Certificate: КВ № 25374-15314ПР from 26.12.2022 ). The journal «Grain Products and Mixed Fodder’s» is registered by the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting. By the decision of the Council №1549, protocol of 09.05.2024 №15 (Media ID: R30-04053)
In today's world it is difficult to imagine our life without information and unrestricted access to it.
Has become a good tradition to hold the International scientific-practical conference «Bread products» in October in the Odesa National University of Technology. At one of these conferences in 1997, when summing up all the participants of the International scientific-practical conference «Bread products-97» supported the creation of a new scientific journal in the industry of grain processing and bread products. An example of our experience of the journal «Grain and bread», the informativeness of the journal «Grain Products and Mixed Fodder’s», succession its traditions journals «Bread products» and «Feed», ambition journal «World Graіn» and the capacity of the journal «Feed International».
It has been three years since the idea to create a log. Three years of work related to the organization of the journal, which was the crown of registration in July 2000, the State Committee on Information Policy, Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine's new professional name - «Grain products and feed».Founders of the journal - Odesa National University of Technology (then Odesa State Academy of Food Technologies), which has 112 years of experience in preparation of specialists for grain processing and food industry.
Important information! Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №918 of August 18, 2021 Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies was reorganized into Odesa National University of Technology.
Following the best traditions of the school grain technology, we wanted to create his own style, unique, known, unlike the others. This helped researchers and producers of grain-processing industry. The decision of the Academic Council OSAFT (pr. №1 of 07.09.99r.) were signed in the first printing materials journal. In January 2001, with financial support from grain processing enterprises and feed mills and publisher Scientific and Production Company «Combico» on Ukrainian information space the first issue of the journal.
For one year of scientific journal «Grain products and feed» had firmly occupy a worthy place in the information space of our industry found its supporters and support from researchers and manufacturers.
Professionalism journal and recognized the need for a decision of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine, according to which the journal «Grain products and feed» included in the list №9 scientific professional publications for the publication of scientific papers for obtaining a doctor's degree and PhD.
There are no charges for publication.
His articles are obligatory review. Language: Ukrainian and English.
Scientific and practical journal «Grain products and feed» is published quarterly - four times a year. He is known not only in Ukraine, he became popular and beyond - in Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Switzerland and other countries. In the journal published the results of the research work, testing new products, technologies and equipment, analytical reviews, experience of leading companies, both domestic and foreign, such as the research center of Alltech (USA), companies Speciality feeds and Consulting (Canada) Van Aarsen (Netherlands), «Degussa» (Germany), Prokop (Czech Republic), «Biohem GmbH» (Germany) and many others.
The staff of the journal created conditions for information exchange between scientists and industrialists through the network Internet – www.ontu.edu.ua (Section science / journals). Scientific and Production journal «Grain products and feed» partner with «Grain storage and processing», «Bread products», «Effective livestock and poultry», «Food science and technology», «grain and bread», «Products and Ingredients» , «Feed», «Baker», «Feeding Times», «Feed International».
In 2005 the journal «Grain products and feed» received subscription code in Ukrainian catalog 91963. Today our subscribers are professionals of grain and feed business is not only Ukraine, but also Latvia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA and other countries.
Journal level is growing every year. Always support journal output our authors and readers, experts and professionals grain processing industry, the publishing team of Odesa printing company «Evrotoyz» and «Union of graduates Odesa National University of Technology.» Subscribers to help us and to the editorial board is the tradition. First, your letters, dear readers, your comments and suggestions allow us to improve the style and content. Second, adherence to traditions provides post by analysis and forecasting materials, new hypotheses, and the results of the research.
Each scientific publication is difficult to survive without advertisers. We thank all those who responded over the years and supported us, placing advertising helped finance the establishment of the publication. And yet, we have not turned into advertising journal. We are still trying to save the selected first prompted by your style.
Journal «Grain products and feed» is the fourteenth year of serving the interests of national experts and invites everyone to further cooperation, and wish all that life has always been full of bright, good events, and each new day bring happiness and prosperity in professional matters!
Frequency of the edition – 4 times during the year.
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The business model based on sponsorship support. One of sponsor organization is "The young scientists club".
Since 2014 our journal is published on the basis of the Open Journal Systems platform Open Journal Systems (OJS) which provides processes of editorial completion, publications and after printing support. Till December 31, 2014 articles can be submitted as e-mail and through the OJS platform, previously having registered as the user there. Since January 1, 2015 materials in the publication will be accepted only by means of the Open Journal Systems platform.
Current page on Open Journal Systems Link
Publisher: Odesa National University of Technology.
Support: Centre for Publishing Scientific Periodicals and Information Support.
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