You can use the official Crossref resource to check DOI numbers in publications (articles, monographs, books, etc.)
Attention authors! It is necessary to check the presence of Cyrillic in the transliterated list of references!
The presence of Cyrillic in the transliterated list of references is not acceptable, as it leads to citation errors in scientific bases.
Useful resource to check for Cyrillic
International Competition of Student Scientific Works “Black Sea Science”
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies cooperating with Belarus State Economic University (Belarus);
Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Belarus);
“Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse (Bulgaria);
University of Food Technologies (Bulgaria);
Almaty Technological University (Kazakhstan);
Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University (China);
Technical University of Moldova (Moldova);
University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Muttenz, Switzerland);
Ariel University (Israel);
Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (Georgia);
Poznan University of Life Sciences (Poland)
supported by the Black Sea Universities Network, the Association of 110 higher education institutions from 12 countries of the Black Sea Region and ISEKI-Food Association (European Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge into the Food Chain Association) invites you to participate in
International competition of student scientific works “Black Sea Science”
dedicated to expanding international relations, promoting the scientific work of students as an important factor in the formation of specialists, involving the students in research programs, design and other forms of research activities.
Schedule of the competition “Black Sea Science 2020”
Start of the competition – September 1, 2019
Work submission deadline – February 1, 2020
Results of Stage I – March 1, 2020
Results of Stage II – April 1, 2020
The Test Access to the Scientific Base of Statista
Dear colleagues, from 17.04 to 16.05 there is an opportunity to use the test access to the scientific base of Statista. Access to the database is available on the local network ONAFT via the link If you have any questions, contact A-140 to Volkova Anastasiia, or call 15-52.
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